Thursday, January 27, 2011

Super Bowl Monday: A look into hangover and exercise performance

With Super Bowl on Sunday February 6th, Monday February 7th will bring droves to steam rooms across America in a valiant effort to rid them of the prior night’s libation. But a steam room and exercise itself may not be the best “cure” for a hangover.

For centuries many of people have suffered from hangovers, the exact cause continues to be quite illusive.  Typically a hangover starts after the cessation of drinking when a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is falling and peak when BAC is close to 0. For those more frequent drinkers, there may also be some alcohol withdraw occurring simultaneously.
Contributing Factors to Hangover
Direct effects of alcohol
  • Dehydration
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances
  • Low blood sugar
  • Sleep and biological rhythm disturbances
Nonalcohol effects
  • Compounds other than alcohol in beverages, especially methanol

All of the above contributing factors are the result of a gamut of physiological responses to alcohol in the system.
  • Alcohol inhibits the production of hormones from the pituitary. Some like vasopressin regulate body fluid affecting hydration and electrolyte balance or adrenocorticotropic hormone which in turn stimulates the release of cortisol. The release of cortisol alters carbohydrate metabolism and stress response. It is also associated with increased abdominal fat.
  • Alcohol irritates the stomach and intestines causing inflammation, or gastritis and delayed stomach emptying.
  • High levels of alcohol can produce fatty liver, a condition which there is an accumulation of triglycerides in liver cells which in turn causes a buildup of lactic acid in the body.
  • Alcohol causes several alterations in the metabolic state of the liver and other organs in response to alcohol which leads to low blood sugar. Diabetics are particularly sensitive to these alterations.
  • Alcohol has a direct effect on neurotransmitters that regulate sleep and coordinates our response to stress the result being decreased restful or REM sleep and increased sympathetic response such as increased heart rates and sweating.
These physiological changes can cause up to a 40% decrease in physical ability (depending on the amount of alcohol consumed the night before). Aside from being dehydrated, an increased accumulation of lactic acid and a decrease in carbohydrate metabolism will decrease one’s ability to perform due to an in ability to effectively get energy. In addition to increased resting heart rates even the most trained individual could be outperformed by the sober novice.
So if you must drink, here are some tips:
  1. Conservative management: if you want to take your workout seriously, SLOW DOWN
  2. Drink alcoholic beverages with fewer “congeners” (biologically active compounds), like pure ethanol, vodka and gin, versus brandy, whiskey or red wine as they are associated with milder hangovers.
  3. Consume water while drinking alcohol to try and combat the dehydrating effect.
  4. If you have a hangover, go easy on the exercise and do NOT hang out in the steam room. Although there is less research available, it does seem that consuming fruits, fruit juices and other fructose-containing foods may decrease hangover intensity. In addition, avoid acetaminophen (alcohol increases its toxicity to the liver) and remember that all anti-inflammatory are also gastric irritants.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Indoor Versus Outdoor Physical Activity

There are many reasons why outdoor and indoor activities vary widely in their physical demands. Individuals transitioning from indoor activity need to be particularly aware of a few issues that are likely to arise when making this transition.

Particulate Matter
There is overwhelming evidence that particulate matter (otherwise known as atmospheric pollutants) decreases exercise performance in otherwise healthy subjects. [i] Ultrafine particles (UFPs) or UFPs are the main constituent of airborne particulate matter. Due to their numerous quantity and ability to penetrate deep within the lung, UFPs are a major concern for respiratory exposure and health. The UFP of greatest concern when moving to outdoor activity is Carbon Monoxide. Because CO has a greater attraction and adherence to RBC’s, the transport of oxygen becomes far more challenging and athletic performance becomes impaired. In addition to impaired performance, consistent exposure to high UFP’s is associated with increased oxidative stress, which is associated with cancer, dementia, and a majority of most major diseases known to man. Because of increased inhalation with exercise, it is generally recommended that athletes not consistently exercise in environments with a high level UFP’s. Information on UFP’s in the environment is available at Check it out before you go outdoors.

In addition to Ultra fine particulate matter, there is also fine particulate matter. These components of our environment are a bit larger and act more as allergens and irritants. Many athletes when transitioning to the outdoors do so when the weather permits. Unfortunately for many, during these times, the FP’s cause the equivalent allergic reaction and keep those otherwise outdoor enthusiasts prisoners to fine particulate matter. If you can’t breathe due to irritated swollen sinus, you cannot exercise.

Iso Kinetic Movement versus Man Powered Movement
So why go outside? There seems to be a strong functional argument for the necessity of training outdoors. For example, a swimming pool provides no natural resistance, there is no current; a mountain in all its’ beauteous splendor provides unpredictable ridges and valleys. And who has heard of skiing on an indoor slope? Running however alludes us. Why is running outdoors different that running indoors? Well, aside from the clear differences, running on a track is seemingly similar; the largest difference is that a majority of indoor running apparatuses are iso-kinetic, literally meaning, same speed. Unlike the traditional elliptical machine or bike, the treadmill sets the speed for your run. As soon as you step outside, you cannot set speed. There is a newer treadmill - the Woodway Curve Manual Treadmill that is not isokinetic. It will be interesting to see data and research on the efficacy of this type of treadmill in relation to outdoor running (it’s environmentally friendly too – no electricity required).
Being muscularly conditioned before entering into an outdoor running program can help to ease muscular pain. Conditioned muscles can allow the cardiorespiratory system to adjust as needed thereby economizing on the much needed energy to make the transition. Here are a few exercises that should help!
1.       Standing Calf Raises.
Standing upright, legs straight, elevate your body up to your tip toes, return to the ground. Hold enough weight so that after 30-40 repetitions you can no longer elevate off of the ground. Complete 3-4 sets.

2.       Reciprocal lunges.
Standing upright initiate a fall forward, toward the ground. Before you fall, catch yourself with one of your legs. Return to starting position and initiate another fall. Catch yourself with the other leg. Hold enough weight so that after 30-40 repetitions you can no longer return your fall. Complete 3-4 sets.

3.       Lateral Stability Step Ups.
Stand upright with a step at your side. Place your foot onto the top of the step. Keeping your foot on the step, bring your body up onto the step, without placing weight on the swing leg (the leg that just left the ground). Return your weight down and away from the step, toward the ground and as close to the ground as possible, keeping all of your body weight in the leg that is fixed on the step. Do not transfer weight onto the swing leg (back into the ground). Return to standing position. Hold enough weight so that after 30-40 repetitions you can no longer return from the ground without pushing off of the swing leg. Complete 3-4 sets.

4.       Trunk Rotation.
Standing at the cable machine, bend your knees and tuck your pelvis, so that your pelvis and hips remain square and stationary. Set the cable to shoulder height. Grab the cable with both arms, and keeping your arms straight and not moving; use your stomach muscles to move your upper body from one side to the next. Hold enough weight so that after 30-40 repetitions you can no longer move the cable. Complete 3-4 sets.

For soreness, stretching might feel good, but it won’t help. Get a massage, and for acute soreness use cold (like ice) for the first 24 hours and heat after 48. If you experience chronic pain, especially in the hips or spine after running, stop. If it continues seek professional advice. If done correctly, exercise should cause muscular soreness, but never acute pain.

Some suggestions:
Consider a particulate matter mask with a carbon filter
Map your run before going outside ( and choose low emission areas.
Enter into outside slowly. It’s brutal on your lungs and in the winter time during very cold weather wear a mask that will warm the air before entering your lung to avoid bronchial spasm.
Dress appropriately for the weather. Generally speaking for an outdoor run, look up the temperature and dress as if it was 15-20 degrees F warmer when determining what clothing you should wear -- that's how much you'll warm up once you start running. In the warmer weather, stick to loose, light-colored clothes. Thermoregulation or temperature control is one of the human body’s greatest physical challenges.

[i] Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. January 2008 Volume 22 Issue 1 pp 2-5. Ultrafine and Fine Particulate Matter Inhalation Decreases Exercise Performance in Healthy Subjects.